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Four Insider Tips For Developing A Successful Affiliate Marketing Strategy

affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing are often an excellent tool for business growth. It can assist you gain new customers, drive more sales, create awareness for your business and generate traffic and word of mouth. 

Like any business strategy, there are certain tactics you'll implement to achieve affiliate marketing. And, as I’ve learned in my 16 years working in affiliate marketing, there are also pitfalls that would potentially impact your ROI.

Keep in mind that no strategy is static. the planet is consistently changing, and affiliate marketing may be a fluid channel for reaching customers. Today’s affiliate marketing programs need to be approached differently, given the vastly changed economic climate. COVID-19 has been a game-changer, and that we can not calculate historical trends like seasonality, traditional customer needs or timing for key events (for example, this year’s Amazon Prime Day has been delayed) to forecast results. this will affect inventory levels, online fraud, content strategy — particularly among influencers — and, most of all, your strategic game plan for a successful affiliate marketing program. 

Before embarking on any program, the primary step is to create a foundation. Organize your data so you'll interpret your results. Plot the variables to trace in advance; this makes it easier to create a dashboard to live them. Also, consider the worth of every affiliate and their promotional methods. That way, you'll commission appropriately, taking into consideration your internal margins and new customer lifetime value (LTV).

While the pandemic has changed affiliate marketing, it also has created opportunities. i think now's the time to experiment and check out to figure with bigger publishers. Many publishers have likely taken hits in revenue from Amazon, Walmart and other retailers that are cutting their commissions rates or suspending their programs.

Here are additional insider tips for building a stronger affiliate marketing program.

1. Avoid Ad Fraud

All online traffic isn’t equal. The digital advertising industry defines ad fraud as false impressions on traffic, clicks and leads. It gives the illusion of high-value traffic from consumers curious about your product, but ad fraud activities are generated by bots, data centers and other illegitimate sources. Victims of ad fraud waste valuable advertising dollars thanks to inaccurate data that provides a false picture of activity. consistent with industry research, North American advertisers lost $44 million in ad spending in 2018 thanks to fraudulent traffic — which number is predicted to extend to $100 million by 2023. 

Affiliate marketing may be a high-ROI channel with many benefits for brands, but bad actors can plan to cash in , so having a mitigation strategy is vital . If something seems off (e.G., high reversal rates, metrics that don’t align with industry norms, unknown traffic sources) with one among your publisher’s results, ask them how they generate their traffic and therefore the source. Even after they share their traffic source, maintain a healthy skepticism. If they point to thousands of clicks and many sales from a low-traffic blog with minimal content, it’s possible their traffic is really coming from another source. Most affiliate networks and tracking platforms offer support to advertisers in addressing ad fraud. If a publisher’s traffic seems suspect, leverage your platform’s resources to research .

2. Stay within the Top Three On Industry Review And Ranking Sites

According to my company’s research, those within the top three spots on ranking and review sites get 90% of the traffic from those sites. If you're within the fourth position or lower, you're likely not getting a robust ROI thanks to significantly less traffic and visibility.

Make sure you're checking the sites you're investing in to ascertain where your level of investment leaves you within the rankings. A lower ranking means you'll want to extend your investment. At an equivalent time, track your return so you recognize whether it even is sensible to stay investing therein particular publisher. If you're keeping track and checking your results regularly, you'll adjust quickly and avoid wasting your marketing dollars. 

3. Keep Track Of Competitors

When tracking your positions and placement locations on sites, concentrate to how they relate to those of your competitors. Publishers in certain categories will naturally optimize their own revenue, which may indicate which competitors are becoming top focus from those publishers thanks to a mix of payouts and conversion rates. If you see a particular competitor increasing their share of voice within a vertical of publishers, you'll understand where their focus lies. 

Knowing how competitors are investing during a particular channel gives you an enormous advantage. It can assist you in planning your marketing spending and achieving faster and better ROI. you'll even plan your strategies around your competitors’. If you recognize when a competitor are going to be doing an enormous promotion, you'll cash in of putting out a good larger one or choose a special day to urge maximum impact.

Tracking where your competitors are spending their budget clues you into their strategy, allowing you to seek out “blue ocean” opportunities and cash in of inventory they're not that specialize in . Conversely, you'll even be ready to reverse engineer their seasonal promotional calendar to raised compete against them.

4. Understand Your Attribution Systems And Gaps

Look at truth contributions and value of your affiliates (check out what your internal analytics are telling you), and compare them to what you’re paying through the normal networks and platforms. Understand which affiliates are providing the proper value so you simply disburse on actions you've got deemed successful in helping you reach your larger goals. Align these two figures so you’re paying on the precise value you’re seeing in your internal reporting.

No strategy fits every situation perfectly. If you plan ahead, lay out a road map that fits your goals, study your competition and be aware of what’s driving your traffic, you’ll be on the path toward affiliate marketing success.


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